Fantastic Container Plants For Full Sun Ideas
By SF Gate Contributor Updated October 09, 2020
Top container plants for full sun ideas
Self-watering planters accommodate baptize reservoirs. The containers accept wicks that draw baptize up to the soil, which keeps the clay continuously moist. For that reason, the best plants for self-watering containers are those that advance in clammy soil, such as close plants and assertive vegetables. Succulents and added plants that adopt dry clay are not acceptable choices, as they generally accept problems with self-watering pots.
Hostas (Hosta spp.) are one of the best adorable perennials. Easy to abound and attractive, they are notable for their colorful, different leaves. Abounding will advance alike in the shade. All hostas charge affluence of water, which makes them one of the best alfresco plants for self-watering pots – abnormally containers that may be on a advanced balustrade or added adumbral locations. Hostas attending like abounding close foliage plants, but in absoluteness they are cool-weather lovers and advance in U.S. Department of Agriculture bulb assurance zones 3 to 8.
Fantastic container plants for full sun ideas
Japanese irises (Iris ensata), clashing hostas, are adorable for their large, chichi flowers. Not alone do the flowers blossom in abounding colors, but some accept different petals, depending on the variety. These plants advance in clammy soils and abound best in USDA zones 5 to 9, according to Cornell University. They do best in ample containers.
Lobelia (Lobelia erinus) is a fast-spreading anniversary adorable for its affluence of blooms, which aftermost from backward bounce to fall. They are accomplished fillers in containers. Abounding colors are available, including ablaze blue. Because it is an annual, it can be developed in all USDA zones. Lobelia thrives in abounding sun and clammy clay — it will alike occasionally abide ever wet soil.
Amazing container plants for full sun ideas
Snowy meadowfoam (Limnanthes douglasii ssp. nivea) appearance aerial white flowers. The bulb has a adroit abaft addiction and works able-bodied in blind baskets. In fact, it is recommended for containers because it spreads rapidly, according to Calflora Nursery. It requires approved watering and grows in all USDA zones.
Many bodies may not anon anticipate of growing vegetables in self-watering containers, but they are absolutely actual beneficial. In fact, abounding home gardeners abound vegetables in aloft beds, and containers action the aforementioned allowances as aloft beds.
Cool container plants for full sun ideas
Size matters, however, so accept vegetables that will break aural the boundaries of the container. Some of the best vegetables for self-watering pots are blooming tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, garlic, cilantro and added herbs. All of these can be developed in any USDA zone, but burying times vary, so analysis with your bounded University Extension Center for added information.
Tropical plants are generally called for their foliage rather than their flowers. Abounding are beauteous in containers or blind baskets. Close plants do not abide frost, but can be developed in all USDA zones back all crisis of frost is past.
Gorgeous container plants for full sun ideas
Coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides) is a ample ancestors of close foliage plants notable for their checkered leaves. Some are abbreviate and dense, while others accept a abaft addiction — absolute for blind planters. Abounding do best in abounding sun, while others adopt fractional shade. All breed and varieties of Coleus advance in clammy but well-drained soil.
Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum spp.) are some of the best houseplants for self-watering pots. They affection broad, adroit leaves and showy, ambrosial white flowers. Peace lilies can ability heights of 4 feet, so accord them affluence of room. They are one of the few plants that blossom in low ablaze conditions, and they advance in clammy soil.
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