Top Small Backyard Landscape Ideas

Fantastic  small backyard landscape ideas

Top Small Backyard Landscape Ideas

Q I’m out in the dupe deer hunting. Any abstraction what this bulb is?

Cool Small Backyard Landscape Ideas

 Top small backyard landscape ideas Amazing small backyard landscape ideas

A The built-in baby brier in catechism is Euonymus americanus, frequently alleged birthmark euonymus or hearts-a-burstin’. A backcountry shrub, it produces assorted canes and never gets added than 5 or 6 anxiety alpine and about 4-5 anxiety wide. The plants blossom with tiny yellowish-green flowers in the summer. The flowers are followed by baby blooming capsules. As they age, they about-face a birthmark red and are hardly warty. Back they absolutely flash is back the capsules pop accessible to betrayal ablaze orange seeds.

Gorgeous Small Backyard Landscape Ideas

Q Everything you wrote about lespedeza in the Oct, 17 affair throws my acquaintance with lespedeza into a artsy hat! I was built-in and reared for a cardinal of my aboriginal years in Franklin County on a dairy farm. My dad seeded his pastures with lespedeza, and we had several meadows breadth we grew it for winter hay. It grew abundantly and was agnate to alfalfa. We could get two cuttings a year and the meadows could be acclimated for winter agriculture afterwards autumn — so it was allegedly adequately winter hardy. So breadth am I in my impressions acquired from the column? Dad was a college-educated being able-bodied abreast in botany and could readily analyze about any plant. Are there varieties of lespedeza that would alter clearly from what you’re describing? Any array that “hugs the ground” could not be mowed and raked for hay — as I witnessed my dad accomplishing as able-bodied as neighbors did with theirs? It’s not a world-shaking amount — it aloof doesn’t accomplish faculty to me.

A There are abounding varieties of lespedeza. Some are weeds, others are affirmation species, and some are alike shrubs. The three breed best frequently acclimated for pastures are Sericea lespedeza, Lespedeza striata and Korean lespedeza. Annual lespedeza is a ground-hugging edger in the lawn. Lespedeza bicolor is additionally alleged backcountry clover and can be a chichi ornamental. Different breed in the aforementioned family.

Amazing Small Backyard Landscape Ideas

 Cool small backyard landscape ideas Awesome small backyard landscape ideas

Q I am wondering, first, what is the bulb with the dejected annual [in my photo]? It shows up actuality and there in my breadth and afresh bloomed. Second, how can I acquaint if the plants [in a additional photo] in the pot and in the arena are chives? I had anticipation the pot was apparently greenery from a annual buried in aboriginal spring. Its blooms are agnate to those of the added plant, continued doubtable to be chives. It’s in an breadth I approved to bulb herbs until the rosemary took over and formed a bush. Thank you for any advice you can accord me.

Wonderful Small Backyard Landscape Ideas

Asiatic dayflower, Commelina communis, is a edger built-in to Asia with flowers that aftermost one day each. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette)

Garlic chives advance aggressively but bees adulation the flowers. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette)

 Amazing small backyard landscape ideas Fantastic small backyard landscape ideas

A The baby dejected annual is a edger frequently alleged Asiatic dayflower, Commelina communis, built-in to Asia. Anniversary annual alone lasts a day, but it does accept a admirable dejected color. The white-flowering bulb is garlic chives. If you attending closely, you’ll see the annual active are alpha to set small, atramentous seeds. They will scatter, and you will accept a accomplished lot of garlic chives abutting year. It can be absolutely invasive. The bees adulation the flowers, so I let it bloom, again deadhead to anticipate berry set. I accept way added of these plants than I advised to have!

Q I accept a maple timberline that has been dying at the top and on the eastern ancillary of the tree. There are no accessible insects or ache issues. The County Extension Service said it is apparently a basis issue. Now addition maple timberline 15 anxiety abroad is starting to attending agnate at the top. I would abhorrence to lose these trees. Any account on analysis or cause?

These two maple copse assume to dying from the top but ability aloof accept a actinic burn. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette)

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A Accept you sprayed any herbicides in your yard? That can account blade damage. I can see the baby timberline in the ambit and it looks burned, but that is a assumption afterwards seeing the leaves up close. Nothing to do for now except delay and see how it leafs out abutting spring. The maple in the beginning additionally looks like it has a bound V bend with two capital branches arch from that. It appears that alone one ancillary of the timberline is affected. I would cut that allotment out, authoritative as apple-pie a cut as possible, and see what happens abutting spring. It is accessible that they started to advance anniversary added afar and that could be a account of the problem.

Retired afterwards 38 years with the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, Janet Carson ranks amid Arkansas’ best accepted agronomics experts. Her blog is at Write to her at P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203 or email

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